Forum Thread: Best Recipe App for Ipad/iPhone

So when I first got my iPad, the first thing I thought of is "Wow, I could use this in the kitchen!!!!" While everyone else was out slinging Birds at Pigs, Jumping Ninjas into Flying Squirels, and Zapping Zombies with pretty flowers, I was trying to come up with a way to add all my recipies to my iPad.

I wanted a recipe app that started from scratch. I didnt need all of Betty Crocker's ideas, I just wanted a big blank canvas! And that is when I found Paprika.

Paprika allows you to import your recipies faily easily from text files. Paprika also has a nice browser built in to import your favorite recipies from the web.

Here are the top 10 features:

1. Create / Delete / Manage Categories

2. Input your recipies with simple copy/paste options

3. Input recipies from the web using the built in browser, or input from other popular recipe managers

4. Share with your friends via email

5. Cloud based backup - This is pretty cool, allows you to have recipes on both ipad and iphone

6. Scale ingredients

7. Meal Planner / Shopping list

8. Printer support

9. Powerful Search Capability

10. Great Support from Developer (actually had him respond to an email I sent)

1 Response

I've heard Paprika is great. I think Epicurious has some handy feature too. I don't cook by recipe too often. Normally I find some ingredients I like and just try to make it work. So I haven't had the need for an app too often. My main issue is even with an app I don't have a great place to put the iPad. I need a kitchen dock or something. that isn't down on the counter. maybe something that mounts to a cabinet door... hmm.

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